What lessons from the Ukraine war?

By Barah Mikaïl

The situation that prevails in Ukraine is due in part to the fact that the world is in crisis. Russia’s actions in Ukraine are a breach of international law, something facilitated by the fact that permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations have the power to veto any resolution that they don’t want.

Ukraine is living a tragedy, but looking at things from a broader perspective, there are some lessons and explanations that can be drawn from what can already be seen as a case study. This video from the Observatory on Contemporary Crises explains some of these points.

Barah Mikaïl is the director of the Observatory on Contemporary Crises (OCC).

To quote this article or video, please use the following reference:  Barah Mikaïl (2022), “Video: What lessons from the Ukraine war?”  https://crisesobservatory.es/what-lessons-from-the-ukraine-war/

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